
Heart as Wide as the World

Friday, 20 August 2021 to Friday, 27 August 2021 2021

Throughout our lives we long to love ourselves more deeply and find a greater sense of intimacy with others and the world we live in. But our fear of connection means we often feel cut off from others thus creating suffering for ourselves. On this retreat we will explore the ancient Buddhist meditation of Loving Kindness practice and how it can help awaken our heart to its true potential.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee: 

Scottish Sangha Weekend

Friday, 17 August 2018 to Sunday, 19 August 2018 2018

Padmasambhava Weekend - " Dance of the Dakinis"

A weekend inspired by the life, teaching and example of Padmasambhava. 

You need to be an order member, mitra or a centre regular within the Scottish Triratna Buddhist Community in order to attend this retreat.

Please call to book: 01877 384 213 

Booking Fee: 

going deeper - looking into the heart (women's retreat)

Friday, 15 July 2016 to Friday, 22 July 2016 2016

So what happens when we stop, and look? What, or who, do we find? In the seat of meditation practice we will begin to feel our way directly into the central teachings of Buddhism. This is a precious opportunity to practice with other women as we explore the most important questions of our lives.

For more information, please read the retreat information sheet.


Booking Fee: 