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Moksadhi (she/her) first encountered Buddhism in Nepal in 2012 and has been following the Buddhist path ever since. Her passions lie in exploring external and internal aspects of wilderness. Her practice follows an embodied approach to finding qualities of spaciousness, wildness and freedom in both meditation and movement. Moksadhi was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 2019. She is currently training to become a yoga teacher with Bodhiyoga and regularly leads retreats at Dhanakosa.

introductory weekend

Retreat Type:

These retreats are an excellent short introduction to Buddhism and Meditation. We will cover an introduction to two traditional Buddhist meditations: the mindfulness of breathing and the development of loving kindness (metta bhavana). We will also introduce some key elements of the Buddhist tradition. As well as giving a grounding in the basic principles of Buddhism and meditation, these retreats are an ideal reflective situation in which to take a fresh look at ourselves.

These retreats are suitable for complete beginners to meditation as well as being an ideal refresher for those who already have some experience.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

Going deeper - women's hillwalking

Retreat Type:
Going Deeper

This retreat will take an embodied and heartful approach to exploring and deeply connecting with our experience – out walking in the hills, through gentle movement practice and in meditation. 

We will meditate indoors and outside, where exploring our senses and opening our hearts to an elemental connection with nature will guide us. We will continue to practice the Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana and also introduce Buddhist ritual and the seven-fold puja, with an emphasis on connecting with nature. Periods of silence together and quiet walks will all support a deep and rich experience of coming home to ourselves and the landscape that surrounds us, holds us and lives within us. The team will also offer mindful movement sessions to deepen our connection with our embodied experience and explore new ways of relaxing, moving with ease and deeply resourcing ourselves.

The retreat will include three days of guided walks, with walks to suit different levels of fitness. All walks are in the local area, but some require a short drive to get to the starting point. For more information on the walks, recommended fitness levels and the appropriate clothing and footwear to bring, please read the retreat information sheet

We are open to bookings from a range of gender identities, in keeping with the intention of this women-centred retreat. If you are unsure if this retreat is a good fit for you please get in touch.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:

wild swimming, embodied movement and meditation

Retreat Type:

This retreat will take a playful approach to reconnecting with the body through the elemental experience of water and through movement. Each day we will have the opportunity for several swims in the local lochs and rivers as well as other explorations of water and wet places. 

We will have daily guided movement sessions to support embodiment and connection. There will also be introductory meditation teaching, daily collective meditation practice, and a practical contemporary look at some traditional Buddhist teachings. 

Swim activities will include lifeguard supported bank-based activates, swim trips (for more experienced swimmers) and the opportunity for unsupported personal swimming. There may also be the opportunity to walk by water and explore local burns and waterfalls.

For more information, including swimming ability and wetsuit requirement, please read the retreat information sheet before booking. 

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Retreat Full

going deeper - dances of the heart

Retreat Type:
Going Deeper

This retreat will take an embodied approach to the traditional Buddhist practice of the Brahma Viharas – the cultivation of loving kindness, compassion, joyful resonance and equanimity. 

The invitation is to step into this mandala of the heart - to meet and know these qualities in our bodies and in our dance. We’ll be learning how we can deeply resource ourselves through meditation and movement to embody and cultivate these qualities in our lives. 

The dance sessions will usually be with music and will involve guided exploration, exercises and time to follow your own experience in movement. Some exercises may include hands-on touch, this will always be explained in advance and non-contact options offered.

This is a Going Deeper retreat, for people who have done an introductory retreat or have been attending a local Buddhist centre and are familiar with the Metta Bhavana and Mindfulness of Breathing meditation practices. No experience of dance or movement is required, only a willingness to explore your experience of movement in the body you are living in.

For more information, read the retreat information sheet

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Less than 10 spaces

wild swimming, embodied movement and meditation

Retreat Type:

This retreat will take a playful approach to reconnecting with the body through the elemental experience of water and through movement. Each day we will have the opportunity to swim in the local lochs and rivers as well as other explorations of water and wet places. We will also be using movement to support embodiment and connection. There will also be introductory meditation teaching, daily collective meditation practice, and a practical contemporary look at some traditional Buddhist teachings.

Swim activities will include lifeguard supported bank-based activates, swim trips (for more experienced swimmers) and the opportunity for unsupported personal swimming. There may also be the opportunity to explore local burns and waterfalls.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Retreat Full

women's winter retreat

Retreat Type:

This popular retreat is held over a particularly reflective time of year. It offers an opportunity to look back over the previous year and to anticipate the next - with meditation, discussion, Dharma study and a big ritual on New Year’s Eve.

This retreat is for Mitras practicing within the Triratna Buddhist Community who wish to deepen their Buddhist practice and who have been on at least one week-long retreat.

The retreat has a rich history of being a women-only space. We are open to bookings from a wider range of gender identities, in keeping with the tradition of this women-centred retreat. If you are unsure if this retreat is a good fit for you please get in touch.

For more information read the retreat information sheet.

Booking Fee:


Booking Availability:
Retreat Full